Author: Liu, T.
Paper Title Page
Status and Challenges of Nb/Cu SRF Cavities for Superconducting Linac  
  • M. Xu, H. Guo, Y. He, S.C. Huang, T.C. Jiang, C.L. Li, L.B. Liu, T. Liu, Z.J. Wang, Z.Q. Yang, S.X. Zhang
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  Funding: China initiative Accelerator Driven System Large Research Infrastructures China initiative Accelerator Driven System (2017-000052-75-01-000590)
The reactor of China initiative Accelerator Driven Sub-critical (CiADS) system has strict stability requirements to the driving superconducting Linac. From the previous operation experiences of intensity superconducting Linac at institute of modern physics (IMP), more than half of the beam trips were indicated to the SRF cavity phase unlock, which is related to the thin-walled low beta SRF cavity can not tolerate the helium pressure vibration and environment vibration. In recent years, IMP is developing low beta Nb/Cu cavities to provide high stability. The cavity was made from a thin layer of high purity niobium, then the outside of cavity was cast or coat of high purity copper layer. The Nb/Cu cavities have same SRF performance as bulk-Nb cavity and improved mechanical stability. The prototype cavities have been vertical tested couple times. A horizontally testing facility are under assembly for validating the integration performance of cavity, tuner, and coupler. The technical challenges to obtain high thermal conducting copper layer and high SRF performance niobium cavity will be report too.
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