Author: Lutton, F.
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MOPORI11 Seismic Analysis for Safety Requirements of SPIRAL2 Accelerator 252
  • C. Barthe-Dejean, F. Lutton, M. Michel
    GANIL, Caen, France
  The SPIRAL2 Accelerator at GANIL is a superconducting ion continuous wave LINAC with two associated experimental areas. Mechanical engineers have been highly involved in the design of SPIRAL2 equipments since the beginning of the project in 2004. During the development phase, Computer Aided Design and calculation codes have been used throughout the complete process : from the ion sources, the LINAC, the beam transport lines and the experimental halls equipped with detectors. SPIRAL2 has to meet different safety requirements, among which seismic hazard. This involves justifying that the integrity of the radiologic containment barrier is always maintained in case of earthquake. This paper reports the improvement in design and calculation methods performed by GANIL engineers to meet the seismic safety requirements, specificly the non-missility feature of the equpiment. The modal-spectral simulations, used to demonstrate the mechanical strength of equipments in case of earthquakes, was an important part of this design activity in the past 10 years New methods have been used to calculate welds, fasteners and the ground anchor of the structural supports of the heaviest equipments.
C. Barthe-Dejean, F. Lutton, « Guide methodologique pour Calculs de Tenue aux Séismes des équipements mécaniques », Note STP-535-A
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About • Received ※ 14 August 2022 — Revised ※ 19 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 30 August 2022 — Issue date ※ 02 September 2022
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