Author: Kaiser, J.D.
Paper Title Page
TUPORI30 Application of Permanent Magnets in Solenoid and Quadrupole Focusing 622
  • J.D. Kaiser, A. Ateş, H. Hähnel, U. Ratzinger
    IAP, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  Permanent magnets can be used to design compact high gradient focusing elements for particle accelerators. Based on cheap industrial standard Neodym permanent magnets, design studies for Solenoids and Quadrupoles are presented. The Solenoid design consists of three segments, where the outer segments possess a radial magnetization and the inner segments an axial magnetization. This increases the mean field strength in comparison to a singlet hollow cylinder solenoid. The quadrupole design consists of 16 block magnets and is designed to be rather simplistic. The casing consists of two half shells, which can be easily mounted around a beam pipe. For a quadrupole triplet configuration the influence of different geometric parameters on beam transport regarding focusing strength and emittance growth is investigated. Furthermore, a variation of the quadrupole design was mounted in vacuum in a triplet configuration. Using custom 3D-printed mounts for small raspberry pi cameras the beam could be observed inside the quadrupoles. A first prototype was constructed  
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About • Received ※ 13 August 2022 — Revised ※ 17 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 02 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 04 September 2022
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