Author: Doucet, F.
Paper Title Page
TUPOJO12 Development of Emittance Meter Instrument for MYRRHA 368
  • A. Rodríguez Páramo, I. Bustinduy, S. Masa, R. Miracoli, V. Toyos, S. Varnasseri
    ESS Bilbao, LEIOA, Spain
  • L. De Keukeleere, F. Doucet, A. Ponton, A. Tanquintic
    SCK•CEN, Mol, Belgium
  • J. Herranz
    Proactive Research and Development, Sabadell, Spain
  For the commissioning of the Myrrha proton Linac an Emittance Meter Instrument (EMI) has been foreseen. The EMI will be installed in a dedicated test bench for linac commissioning. The test bench will be initially placed after the RFQ with energies of 1.5 MeV, and in later stages moved to other sections of the Normal Con-ducting Linac for operation at 6 and 17 MeV. The Myrrha EMI will be composed by two slit and grid subsystems for measurement of the phase space in the horizontal and vertical directions. For collimating the beam, graphite slits are used, and the beam aperture is measured in the SEM grids placed downstream. Then, the control system performs signal amplification, data acquisition, and motion control, with the different sys-tems integrated in an EPICs IOC. The system, manufactured by ESS-Bilbao and Proac-tive R&D, has been tested on the ESS-Bilbao 45 keV and soon will be integrated in Myrrha facilities. We present the EMI design, with irradiation analysis and emittance reconstruction, and the integration tests results.  
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About • Received ※ 19 August 2022 — Revised ※ 30 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 02 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 07 September 2022
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