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Three Years of Operation of the SPIRAL2 SC LINAC- RF Feedback |
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- M. Di Giacomo, M. Aburas, P.-E. Bernaudin, O. Delahaye, A. Dubosq, A. Ghribi, J.-M. Lagniel, J.F. Leyge, G. Normand, A.K. Orduz, F. Pillon, L. Valentin
GANIL, Caen, France
- F. Bouly
LPSC, Grenoble Cedex, France
- S. Sube
The superconducting LINAC of SPIRAL2 at the GANIL facility has been in operation since October 2019. The accelerator uses 12 low beta and 14 high beta supercon-ducting quarter wave cavities, cooled at 4°K, working at 88 MHz. The cavities are operated at a nominal gradient of 6.5 MV/m and are independently powered by a LLRF and a solid-state amplifier, protected by a circulator. Pro-ton and deuteron beam currents can reach 5 mA and beam loading perturbation is particularly strong on the first cavities, as they are operated at field levels much lower than the nominal one. This paper presents a feedback after three years of oper-ation, focuses on the RF issues, describing problems and required improvement on the low level, control and pow-er systems
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Received ※ 14 August 2022 — Revised ※ 17 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 01 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 02 September 2022 |
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