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First Studies of 5D Phase-Space Tomography of Electron Beams at ARES |
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- S. Jaster-Merz, R.W. Aßmann, R. Brinkmann, F. Burkart, T. Vinatier
DESY, Hamburg, Germany
- R.W. Aßmann
LNF-INFN, Frascati, Italy
A new beam diagnostics method to reconstruct the full 5-dimensional phase space (x, x’, y, y’, t) of bunches has recently been proposed. This method combines a quadrupole-based transverse phase-space tomography with the variable streaking angle of a polarizable X-band transverse deflecting structure (PolariX TDS). Two of these novel structures have recently been installed at the ARES beamline at DESY, which is a linear accelerator dedicated to accelerator research and development, including advanced diagnostics methods and novel accelerating techniques. In this paper, realistic simulation studies in preparation for planned experimental measurements are presented using the beamline setup at ARES. The reconstruction quality of the method for three beam distributions is studied and discussed, and it is shown how this method will allow the visualization of detailed features in the phase-space distribution.
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Received ※ 22 August 2022 — Revised ※ 27 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 01 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 09 September 2022 |
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