Author: Edelen, J.P.
Paper Title Page
TUPOPA27 Conceptual Analysis of a Compact High Efficiency Klystron 466
  • J.P. Edelen, S.D. Webb
    RadiaSoft LLC, Boulder, Colorado, USA
  • K.E. Nichols
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
  Traditional klystron efficiencies are limited by the output electron beam harmonic current and energy spread. Increasing the amount of harmonic current produced in the klystron requires increasing the velocity bunching in the input cavity. Additional cavities may be used to improve the bunching, however they do so at additional cost and space requirements for the klystron. Moreover, at higher currents space charge counteracts this velocity bunching reducing the amount of harmonic current that can be produced. Our concept resolves these challenges by employing a new type of high-efficiency, multi-beam klystron. Our design consists of a single two-frequency input cavity, a wiggler, and an output cavity. The two-frequency input cavity approximates a linear function in time thereby increasing the harmonic content of the beam, while the wiggler provides strong longitudinal focusing to mitigate the effects of space charge. In this paper we provide the theoretical foundation for our design and present initial numerical calculations showing improved bunching from the harmonic mode and the wiggler.  
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About • Received ※ 14 August 2022 — Revised ※ 24 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 30 August 2022 — Issue date ※ 31 August 2022
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THPOPA22 C-Band Low Level RF System Using COTS Components 789
  • J.P. Edelen
    RadiaSoft LLC, Boulder, Colorado, USA
  • R.D. Berry, A. Diego, D.I. Gavryushkin, A.Yu. Smirnov
    RadiaBeam, Santa Monica, California, USA
  • J. Krasna
    COSYLAB, Control System Laboratory, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  Low Level RF systems have historically fallen into two categories. Custom systems developed at national laboratories or industrial systems using custom hardware specifically designed for LLRF. Recently however advances in RF technology accompanied by demand from applications like quantum computing have led to commercially available systems that are viable for building a modular low-level RF system. Here we present an overview of a Keysight based digital LLRF system. Our system employs analog upconversion and downconversion with an intermediate frequency of 100MHz. We discuss our phase-reference system and provide initial results on the system performance.  
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About • Received ※ 25 August 2022 — Revised ※ 01 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 02 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 03 September 2022
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