Author: Bolzon, B.
Paper Title Page
TU2AA04 Commissioning of IFMIF Prototype Accelerator Towards CW Operation 319
  • K. Masuda, T. Akagi, A. De Franco, T. Ebisawa, K. Hasegawa, K. Hirosawa, J. Hyun, T. Itagaki, A. Kasugai, K. Kondo, K. Kumagai, S. Kwon, A. Mizuno, Y. Shimosaki, M. Sugimoto
    QST Rokkasho, Aomori, Japan
  • T. Akagi, Y. Carin, F. Cismondi, A. De Franco, D. Gex, K. Hirosawa, K. Kumagai, S. Kwon, K. Masuda, I. Moya, F. Scantamburlo, M. Sugimoto
    IFMIF/EVEDA PT, Aomori, Japan
  • L. Antoniazzi, L. Bellan, M. Comunian, A. Facco, E. Fagotti, F. Grespan, A. Palmieri, A. Pisent
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  • F. Arranz, B. Brañas, J. Castellanos, D. Gavela, D. Jimenez-Rey, Á. Marchena, J. Mollá, P. Méndez, O. Nomen, C. Oliver, I. Podadera, D. Regidor, A. Ros, V. Villamayor, M. Weber, C. de la Morena
    CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
  • N. Bazin, B. Bolzon, N. Chauvin, S. Chel, J. Marroncle
    CEA-IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • P. Cara, Y. Carin, F. Cismondi, G. Duglue, H. Dzitko, D. Gex, A. Jokinen, I. Moya, G. Phillips, F. Scantamburlo
    F4E, F4E, Germany
  • A. Mizuno
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken, Japan
  • Y. Shimosaki
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  Construction and validation of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) have been conducted under the framework of the IFMIF/EVEDA project. The LIPAc consists, in its final configuration, of a 100 keV injector and the world longest 5 MeV RFQ accelerator, followed by a MEBT with high space charged and beam loaded re-buncher cavities, an HWR-SRF linac, HEBT with a Diagnostic Plate, ending in a Beam Dump (BD) designed to stop the world highest deuteron current of 125 mA CW at 9 MeV. The beam commissioning at a low duty cycle of ~0.1 % led to a successful RFQ acceleration of 125 mA and 5 MeV beam in 2019. The following beam commissioning phase was initiated in July 2021 with a temporary transport line replacing the SRF linac. The major goals of this phase are to validate the RFQ, MEBT and BD performances up to CW and to characterize the beam properties in preparation to the final configuration with the SRF linac. This paper will present progresses made in this phase so far, such as a low-current and low-duty beam commissioning completed in Dec. 2021, CW operation campaign of the injector towards the nominal beam current, and RF conditioning of the RFQ towards CW.  
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About • Received ※ 27 August 2022 — Revised ※ 31 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 02 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 08 September 2022
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TUPOJO01 Commissioning Plan of the IFMIF-DONES Accelerator 330
  • I. Podadera, A. Ibarra, M. Weber
    Consorcio IFMIF-DONES España, Granada, Spain
  • J. Aguilar, S. Becerril-Jarque, M. Luque, J. Maestre, D. Sánchez-Herranz, C. Torregrosa
    UGR, Granada, Spain
  • F. Arranz, M. García, A. Ibarra, D. Jimenez-Rey, J. Mollá, C. Oliver, I. Podadera, D. Regidor, M. Weber, C. de la Morena
    CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
  • L. Bellan, A. Palmieri, A. Pisent
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  • D. Bernardi, G. Micciché, F.S. Nitti
    ENEA Brasimone, Centro Ricerche Brasimone, Camugnano, BO, Italy
  • B. Bolzon, N. Chauvin, S. Chel, A. Madur
    CEA-IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • P. Cara, G. Duglue
    Fusion for Energy, Garching, Germany
  • J. Castellanos
    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
  • T. Dézsi
    CER, Budapest, Hungary
  • M.J. Ferreira
    Lund University, Faculty of Engineering (LTH), Lund, Sweden
  • V. Hauer, Y.F. Qiu
    KIT, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
  • W. Królas, U. Wiacek
    IFJ-PAN, Kraków, Poland
  • T. Lehmann
    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Institut für Fördertechnik und Logistiksysteme, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • L. Macià, M. Sanmartí, B.K. Singh
    IREC, Sant Adria del Besos, Spain
  • C.A. Martins
    Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  • C. Prieto
    Empresarios Agrupados, Madrid, Spain
  Funding: Funded by the European Union via the Euratom Research and Training Programme (Grant Agreement No 101052200 - EUROfusion)
IFMIF-DONES (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility- DEMO-Oriented Neutron Early Source) - a powerful neutron irradiation facility for studies and certification of materials to be used in fusion reactors - is planned as part of the European roadmap to fusion electricity. Its main goal will be to characterize and to qualify materials under irradiation in a neutron field similar to the one faced in a fusion reactor. The intense neutron source is produced by impinging deuterons, from high-power linear deuteron accelerator, on a liquid lithium curtain. The facility has accomplished the preliminary design phase and is currently in its detailed design phase. At the present stage, it is important to have a clear understanding of how the commissioning of the facility will be performed, especially the commissioning of a 5 MW CW deuteron beam, together with the lithium curtain and the beam optimization for the neutron irradiation. In this contribution, the present plans for the hardware and beam commissioning of the accelerator will be given, focusing on the most critical aspects of the tiered approach and on the integration of the procedure with the lithium and tests systems.
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DOI • reference for this paper ※  
About • Received ※ 24 August 2022 — Revised ※ 29 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 31 August 2022 — Issue date ※ 02 September 2022
Cite • reference for this paper using ※ BibTeX, ※ LaTeX, ※ Text/Word, ※ RIS, ※ EndNote (xml)